Loop Recorder - Sound Recording Software for Windows


Loop Recorder Products - Features Sunday, February 9, 2025


Rating: 5 Stars

»Loop Recorder is ideal for capturing songs from the radio.«

Loop Recorder and Loop Recorder Pro are specialists in recording. The basic features for any kind of recording are included in both versions.

Loop Recorder is ideal for amateurs and professionals, who want to record interactively or scheduled from the internet or conventional radio, microphone or other sources.

Loop Recorder Pro is the professional solution for 24 hour archive recordings. It is designed for companies that need an audio archive of their sound signal, e. g., radio stations (see below).

Loop Recorder: Features

Loop Recorder Editor

Loop RecordingLoop Recording

Conventional RecordingConventional Recording

Scheduled RecordingScheduled Recording

Infinite RecordingInfinite Recording

Internet Radio RecordingInternet Radio Recording

Automatic File NamingAutomatic File Naming


Low CPU-UsageLow CPU-Usage

Long time recordingsLong time recordings

Integrated EditorIntegrated Editor

Loop Recorder's philosophy is to record more than you need rather than miss something. The Editor lets you cut the edges and save only, what you really want. Fade the edges, automatically normalize the level to 100% and save it as MP3.

At any time you can prelisten, cut and save parts of your current recording, while Loop Recorder keeps on running. So during one even infinite recording you can repeatedly cut and save every song, seamless or overlapping parts.

Mixer restorationMixer restoration

Command LineCommand Line

Loop Recorder Pro: Additional Features

Loop Recorder Pro includes all the features above and additionally the following:

Loop Recorder Pro

Archive RecordingArchive Recording

Vox Archive RecordingVox Archive Recording

Date/Time based File NamingDate/Time based File Naming

Realtime DisplayRealtime Display

Very long time recordingsVery long time recordings

Multiple sound cardsMultiple sound cards

© 1999 – 2025 Thomas Riechmann, Gerald Riechmann, all rights reserved.

Keywords for this page: Sound Recording Software, Sound Recorder, MP3 Recorder, WMA Recorder Windows 9x, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10 Win9x, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000, Win2k, WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win10 Windows Media (WMA), Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV