Loop Recorder - Sound Recording Software for Windows


Loop Recorder Reviews and Awards Sunday, February 9, 2025

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Download Loop Recorder 2.10 (info)

Download your free trial version now!

  1. Click the link Loop Recorder 2.10.
  2. Choose Run this program from its current location or Open and click Ok.
  3. Follow the instructions of the setup program.
»Loop Recorder is designed to let you capture songs from the internet or conventional radio, microphone or other sound sources.«
Rating: :) :) :) :) :)

»Loop Recorder is resource-friendly, so it should never slow your PC.«

Chip Online

»You can record any signal from your soundcard.«

»Loop Recorder continuously saves the last ten minutes of radio for you. So you never miss the beginning of a song again.«

Rating: 5 Stars

»Loop Recorder is ideal for capturing songs from the radio.«

Sofotex.com Freeware and shareware downloads
Rating: 5 stars
SofoTex.com awards Loop Recorder 5 stars.
Rating: 5 Stars
Rating: 5 Stars

Rating: 5 Stars


c't Magazin
Heft 14/2000

»...für alle, die ungern etwas verpassen...«

Loop Recorder is tip of the day. (10-14-2002)

Five StarsEditor's Choice

partner site of Gold Download
Rating: 5/5

»this product is easy to use, it has a professional-looking interface, it is excellent compared to other programs in this section«

Radio Netherlands

»...so simple in concept, and so elegant in its implementation, that you wonder why nobody thought of it before.«

»...it didn't take us many minutes of use before we had decided to register the program and use it to its full potential.«

Hotline 44
am 01.09.2000
»Ideal für jeden Kurzwellenhörer, der einen Stationsmitschnitt braucht.«

»Ideal für den Funkamateur.«

»Ideal für Medienkonsumenten, die eine interessante Rundfunksendung auf Verdacht mitschneiden wollen.«

»smart, simple and cool«
Rating: 5/5
»First-class audio recorder.«
Norm Gregory
KJR 95.7 FM Radio, Seattle
»I have it on my laptop in the studio set to 10 minutes. So at any time I can save whatever happened in the last ten minutes.«

»...ideal for people in radio who do air checks.«

»...A simple but terrific idea.«

5 Stars at Download3000.com 5 Stars at SharewarePlaza.com 5 Stars at SoftsList.com SOFTPEDIA.com 100% clean award 5 Stars at shareup.com 5 Stars at Fast-Download.info 5 Stars at Softsia.com 5 Stars at MaxxDownload.com

© 1999 – 2025 Thomas Riechmann, Gerald Riechmann, all rights reserved.

Keywords for this page: Sound Recording Software, Sound Recorder, MP3 Recorder, WMA Recorder Windows 9x, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10 Win9x, Win98, WinME, WinNT, Win2000, Win2k, WinXP, WinVista, Win7, Win10 Windows Media (WMA), Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV